Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        'This is just an example program to show how to translate a UN/EDIFACT ORDERS file in VB.NET
        'using the Framework EDI .NET component
        Dim oEdiDoc As ediDocument
        Dim oSchema As ediSchema
        Dim oSchemas As ediSchemas
        Dim oSegment As ediDataSegment
        Dim sSegmentID As String
        Dim sLoopSection As String
        Dim nArea As Integer
        Dim sValue As String
        Dim sNadQlfr As String
        Dim sPatQlfr As String
        Dim sTaxQlfr As String

        Dim sPath As String = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory
        Dim sEdiFile As String = "ORDERS.TXT"
        Dim sSefFile As String = "ORDERS_S93A.SEF"

        ediDocument.Set(oEdiDoc, New ediDocument)

        ediSchemas.Set(oSchemas, oEdiDoc.GetSchemas)
        oSchemas.EnableStandardReference = False

        oEdiDoc.CursorType = DocumentCursorTypeConstants.Cursor_ForwardOnly

        'if edi file does not have a UNA segment, the following terminators are used
        oEdiDoc.SegmentTerminator = "'"
        oEdiDoc.ElementTerminator = "+"
        oEdiDoc.CompositeTerminator = ":"
        oEdiDoc.ReleaseIndicator = "?"

        ediSchema.Set(oSchema, oEdiDoc.LoadSchema(sPath & sSefFile, 0))

        oEdiDoc.LoadEdi(sPath & sEdiFile)

        ediDataSegment.Set(oSegment, oEdiDoc.FirstDataSegment)

        Do While Not oSegment Is Nothing

            sSegmentID = oSegment.ID
            sLoopSection = oSegment.LoopSection
            nArea = oSegment.Area

            If nArea = 0 Then
                If sLoopSection = "" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "UNB" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Syntax identifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2)    'Syntax version number
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Service code list directory version number
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 4)    'Character encoding, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)    'Interchange sender identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)    'Partner identification code qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)    'Interchange sender internal identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)    'Interchange sender internal sub-identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)    'Recipient identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Partner identification code qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)    'Routing address
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)    'Interchange Recipient Internal Sub-Identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1)    'Date
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)    'Time
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(5).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(5))      'Interchange control reference
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(6, 1)    'Recipient reference/password
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(6, 2)    'Recipient's reference/password qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(7)     'Application reference
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(8)     'Processing priority code
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(9)     'Acknowledgement request
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(10)     'Interchange Agreement Identifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(11)     'Test indicator
                    End If   'sSegmentID
                End If   'sLoopSection

            ElseIf nArea = 1 Then
                If sLoopSection = "" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "UNH" Then
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(1).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(1))     'Message reference number
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)    'Message type identifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)    'Message version number
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)    'Message release number
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)    'Controlling agency
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 5)    'Association assigned code

                    ElseIf sSegmentID = "BGM" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Document/message name, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 4)    'Document/message name
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(2).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(2))     'Document/message name
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3)     'Document/message name

                    ElseIf sSegmentID = "DTM" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Date/time/period qualifier
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(1).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2))   'Date/time/period
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Date/time/period format qualifier

                    ElseIf sSegmentID = "FTX" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Date/time/period format qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2)     'Date/time/period format qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)    'Free text identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(4).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1))   'Free text
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)    'Free text
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 3)    'Free text
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 4)    'Free text
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 5)    'Free text
                    End If   'SegmentID

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "RFF" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "RFF" Then
                        If oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1) = "CT" Then  'Contract Number
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Reference qualifier
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(1).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2))   'Reference number
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Line number
                        ElseIf oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1) = "CR" Then  'Customer Reference Number
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Reference qualifier
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(1).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2))   'Reference number
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Line number
                        End If
                    End If   'SegmentID

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "NAD" Then
                    'check the group qualifier to identify the group instance
                    If sSegmentID = "NAD" Then
                        sNadQlfr = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Party qualifier
                    End If
                    If sNadQlfr = "SE" Then
                        If sSegmentID = "NAD" Then   ' Name and address 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Party qualifier (3035) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(2).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1))   ' Party identification (3039) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 5)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(4).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1))   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 3)   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 1)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 2)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 3)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(6)   ' City name (3164) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(7)   ' Country sub-entity identification (3229) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(8)   ' Postcode identification (3251) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(9)   ' Country, coded (3207) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "LOC" Then   ' Place/location identification 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Place/location qualifier (3227) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Place/location identification (3225) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)   ' Place/location (3224) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Related place/location one identification (3223) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Related place/location one (3222) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1)   ' Related place/location two identification (3233) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 4)   ' Related place/location two (3232) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5)   ' Relation, coded (5479) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "FII" Then   ' Financial institution information 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Party qualifier (3035) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Account holder number (3194) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Account holder name (3192) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Account holder name (3192) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)   ' Currency, coded (6345) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Institution name identification (3433) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Institution branch number (3434) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 5)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 6)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 7)   ' Institution name (3432) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 8)   ' Institution branch place (3436) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4)   ' Country, coded (3207) 
                        End If  'sSegmentID

                    ElseIf sNadQlfr = "BT" Then
                        If sSegmentID = "NAD" Then   ' Name and address 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Party qualifier (3035) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(2).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1))   ' Party identification (3039) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 5)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(4).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1))   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 3)   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 1)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 2)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 3)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(6)   ' City name (3164) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(7)   ' Country sub-entity identification (3229) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(8)   ' Postcode identification (3251) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(9)   ' Country, coded (3207) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "LOC" Then   ' Place/location identification 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Place/location qualifier (3227) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Place/location identification (3225) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)   ' Place/location (3224) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Related place/location one identification (3223) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Related place/location one (3222) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1)   ' Related place/location two identification (3233) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 4)   ' Related place/location two (3232) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5)   ' Relation, coded (5479) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "FII" Then   ' Financial institution information 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Party qualifier (3035) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Account holder number (3194) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Account holder name (3192) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Account holder name (3192) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)   ' Currency, coded (6345) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Institution name identification (3433) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Institution branch number (3434) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 5)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 6)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 7)   ' Institution name (3432) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 8)   ' Institution branch place (3436) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4)   ' Country, coded (3207) 
                        End If

                    ElseIf sNadQlfr = "BY" Then
                        If sSegmentID = "NAD" Then   ' Name and address 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Party qualifier (3035) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(2).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1))   ' Party identification (3039) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 5)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(4).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1))   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 3)   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 1)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 2)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 3)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(6)   ' City name (3164) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(7)   ' Country sub-entity identification (3229) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(8)   ' Postcode identification (3251) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(9)   ' Country, coded (3207) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "LOC" Then   ' Place/location identification 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Place/location qualifier (3227) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Place/location identification (3225) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)   ' Place/location (3224) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Related place/location one identification (3223) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Related place/location one (3222) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1)   ' Related place/location two identification (3233) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 4)   ' Related place/location two (3232) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5)   ' Relation, coded (5479) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "FII" Then   ' Financial institution information 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Party qualifier (3035) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Account holder number (3194) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Account holder name (3192) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Account holder name (3192) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)   ' Currency, coded (6345) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Institution name identification (3433) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Institution branch number (3434) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 5)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 6)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 7)   ' Institution name (3432) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 8)   ' Institution branch place (3436) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4)   ' Country, coded (3207) 
                        End If  'sSegmentID

                    ElseIf sNadQlfr = "ST" Then
                        If sSegmentID = "NAD" Then   ' Name and address 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Party qualifier (3035) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(2).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1))   ' Party identification (3039) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 5)   ' Name and address line (3124) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(4).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1))   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 3)   ' Party name (3036) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 1)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 2)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 3)   ' Street and number/p.o. box (3042) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(6)   ' City name (3164) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(7)   ' Country sub-entity identification (3229) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(8)   ' Postcode identification (3251) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(9)   ' Country, coded (3207) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "LOC" Then   ' Place/location identification 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Place/location qualifier (3227) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Place/location identification (3225) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)   ' Place/location (3224) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Related place/location one identification (3223) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Related place/location one (3222) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1)   ' Related place/location two identification (3233) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 4)   ' Related place/location two (3232) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5)   ' Relation, coded (5479) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "FII" Then   ' Financial institution information 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Party qualifier (3035) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Account holder number (3194) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)   ' Account holder name (3192) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)   ' Account holder name (3192) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)   ' Currency, coded (6345) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)   ' Institution name identification (3433) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)   ' Institution branch number (3434) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 5)   ' Code list qualifier (1131) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 6)   ' Code list responsible agency, coded (3055) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 7)   ' Institution name (3432) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 8)   ' Institution branch place (3436) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4)   ' Country, coded (3207) 
                        End If  'sSegmentID
                    End If  'sNadQlfr

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "NAD;CTA" Then
                    If sNadQlfr = "SE" Then
                        If sSegmentID = "CTA" Then   ' Contact information 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Contact function, coded (3139) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Department or employee identification (3413) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(2).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2))   ' Department or employee (3412) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "COM" Then   ' Communication contact 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)   ' Communication number (3148) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2)   ' Communication channel qualifier (3155) 
                        End If   ' sSegmentID = "COM"    

                    ElseIf sNadQlfr = "BT" Then
                        If sSegmentID = "CTA" Then   ' Contact information 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Contact function, coded (3139) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Department or employee identification (3413) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(2).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2))   ' Department or employee (3412) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "COM" Then   ' Communication contact 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)   ' Communication number (3148) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2)   ' Communication channel qualifier (3155) 
                        End If   ' sSegmentID = "COM" 

                    ElseIf sNadQlfr = "BY" Then
                        If sSegmentID = "CTA" Then   ' Contact information 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Contact function, coded (3139) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Department or employee identification (3413) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(2).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2))   ' Department or employee (3412) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "COM" Then   ' Communication contact 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)   ' Communication number (3148) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2)   ' Communication channel qualifier (3155) 
                        End If   ' sSegmentID = "COM" 

                    ElseIf sNadQlfr = "ST" Then
                        If sSegmentID = "CTA" Then   ' Contact information 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)   ' Contact function, coded (3139) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)   ' Department or employee identification (3413) 
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(2).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2))   ' Department or employee (3412) 

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "COM" Then   ' Communication contact 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)   ' Communication number (3148) 
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2)   ' Communication channel qualifier (3155) 
                        End If   ' sSegmentID = "COM" 
                    End If  'sNadQlfr

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "TAX" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "TAX" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Duty/tax/fee function qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)    'Duty/tax/fee type, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)    'Duty/tax/fee type
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)    'Duty/tax/fee account identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4)     'Duty/tax/fee assessment basis
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 1)    'Duty/tax/fee rate identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 4)    'Duty/tax/fee rate
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 5)    'Duty/tax/fee rate basis identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 6)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 7)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(6)     'Duty/tax/fee category, coded
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(7).Description + " = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(7))     'Party tax identification number
                    End If   'SegmentID

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "CUX" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "CUX" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Currency details qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2)    'Currency, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Currency qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 4)    'Currency rate base
                    End If   'SegmentID

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "PAT" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "PAT" Then
                        sPatQlfr = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)
                    End If
                    If sPatQlfr = "1" Then  'Basic
                        If sSegmentID = "PAT" Then
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Payment terms type qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)    'Terms of payment identification
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)    'Terms of payment
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 5)    'Terms of payment
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)    'Payment time reference, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Time relation, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)    'Type of period, coded
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(3).Description + " basic = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4))   'Number of periods

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "PCD" Then
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Percentage qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2)    'Percentage
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Percentage basis, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 4)    'Code list qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 5)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        End If   'SegmentID

                    ElseIf sPatQlfr = "22" Then 'Discount
                        If sSegmentID = "PAT" Then
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Payment terms type qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)    'Terms of payment identification
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)    'Terms of payment
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 5)    'Terms of payment
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)    'Payment time reference, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Time relation, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)    'Type of period, coded
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(3).Description + " discount = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4))    'Number of periods

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "PCD" Then
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Percentage qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2)    'Percentage
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Percentage basis, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 4)    'Code list qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 5)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        End If   'SegmentID
                    End If

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "TDT" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "TDT" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Transport stage qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2)     'Conveyance reference number
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)    'Mode of transport, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Mode of transport
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1)    'Type of means of transport identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)    'Type of means of transport
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 1)    'Carrier identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(5).Description + " discount = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 4))    'Carrier name
                    End If   'SegmentID

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "TDT;LOC" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "LOC" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Place/location qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)    'Place/location identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)    'Place/location
                    End If   'SegmentID

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "TOD" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "TOD" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Terms of delivery or transport function, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2)     'Transport charges method of payment, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)    'Terms of delivery or transport, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(3).Description + " discount = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4))    'Terms of delivery or transport
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 5)    'Terms of delivery or transport
                    End If   'sSegmentID
                End If   'sLoopSection

            ElseIf nArea = 2 Then
                If sLoopSection = "LIN" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "LIN" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Line item number
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2)     'Action request/notification, coded
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(3).Description + " discount = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1))    'Item number
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Item number type, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)    'Code list responsible agency, coded

                    ElseIf sSegmentID = "PIA" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)    'Item number
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)    'Item number type, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(3).Description + " discount = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1))    'Item number
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Item number type, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)    'Code list responsible agency, coded

                    ElseIf sSegmentID = "IMD" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2)     'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(3).Description + " discount = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3))    'Item description
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 4)    'Item description

                    ElseIf sSegmentID = "QTY" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Quantity qualifier
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(1).Description + " discount = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2))    'Quantity
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Measure unit qualifier

                    ElseIf sSegmentID = "DTM" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Date/time/period qualifier
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(1).Description + " discount = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2))    'Date/time/period
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Date/time/period format qualifier

                    ElseIf sSegmentID = "FTX" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Date/time/period format qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2)     'Date/time/period format qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)    'Free text identification
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                        ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(4).Description + " discount = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 1))    'Free text
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 2)    'Free text
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 3)    'Free text
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 4)    'Free text
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4, 5)    'Free text
                    End If   'SegmentID

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "LIN;PRI" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "PRI" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Price qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2)    'Price
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Price type, coded
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 4)    'Price type qualifier
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 5)    'Unit price basis
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 6)    'Measure unit qualifier
                    End If   'SegmentID

                ElseIf sLoopSection = "LIN;TAX" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "TAX" Then
                        sTaxQlfr = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)
                    End If
                    If sTaxQlfr = "7" Then  'Tax
                        If sSegmentID = "TAX" Then
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Duty/tax/fee function qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 1)    'Duty/tax/fee type, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(2, 4)    'Duty/tax/fee type
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 1)    'Duty/tax/fee account identification
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(3, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(4)     'Duty/tax/fee assessment basis
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 1)    'Duty/tax/fee rate identification
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 2)    'Code list qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 3)    'Code list responsible agency, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 4)    'Duty/tax/fee rate
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 5)    'Duty/tax/fee rate basis identification
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 6)    'Code list qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(5, 7)    'Code list responsible agency, coded

                        ElseIf sSegmentID = "MOA" Then
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 1)    'Monetary amount type qualifier
                            ListBox1.Items.Add(oSegment.DataElement(1).Description + " tax = " + oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 2))    'Monetary amount
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 3)    'Currency, coded
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 4)    'Currency qualifier
                            sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1, 5)    'Status, coded
                        End If   'sSegmentID
                    End If
                End If   'sLoopSection

            ElseIf nArea = 3 Then
                If sLoopSection = "" Then
                    If sSegmentID = "UNS" Then
                        sValue = oSegment.DataElementValue(1)     'Section identification
                    End If  'sSegmentID
                End If  'sLoopSection
            End If  'nArea

            ediDataSegment.Set(oSegment, oSegment.Next)


    End Sub

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