EDI Validation
Validation is an important step when processing EDI files. It ensures a more robust automated process by detecting and rejecting EDI files with anomalies that could break a translation program and interrupt production.
The Framework EDI is a powerful component that gives users almost unlimited ability to validate an EDI file. It uses a Standard Exchange Format (SEF) file to obtain the EDI implementation guideline, which it would use to match against an EDI file it is validating. Discrepancies between the SEF file and EDI file would then be reported as errors. The eFileManager Utility is an example of an application that uses the Framework EDI component for validating EDI documents.
The eFileManager Utility - an EDI validation tool
Framework EDI's validation checks for the following:
Verifies the positioning of data segments and elements that they are in the correct order.
Checks to see if segments specified as Mandatory in the SEF file exist in the EDI document. Segments that are specified as Optional do not have to exist in the document.
User Requirement
Data segments or data elements specified Must Use must exist in the EDI file; those specified as Not Used must not exist,
while those marked Used may or may not exist in the EDI file. The "User Requirement" has precedence over the "Requirement" property.
Minimum and Maximum Length
The length of the data in a data element should be within the minimum and maximum length range.
Maximum Usage
An instance of a data segment in an EDI file can not exist more times than the value specified.
Loop Repeat
An instance of a loop or group of segments in an EDI file cannot be repeated more times than the value specified.
Syntax Rules
Syntax Rules in data segments are enforced by the Framework EDI component. They define the relationship of their data elements. An
example of a syntax rule in a data segment is - if either data element(1) or data element(2) is present, then data element(3) must be present.
Code List
Framework EDI reads the Code List of data elements in a SEF file to determine if a code used in a data element of an EDI file is valid.
Value Reference and Value List (available only in FREDI version 5.0.2005.403 and after )
Framework EDI reads the Value Reference and Value List of data elements in a SEF file to make sure that their values in the EDI file follow the
value expression defined, or is included in the list of values defined. For example, a data element in a SEF file with a Value Reference
expression "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" means that the format of the value of the same data element in the EDI file can
only contain numeric characters and must be 5 characters long.
An example of the use of Value List is to have a list of values that are allowable for a specific data element. This is similar to a code list, but a Value List is more flexible in that a conditional statement (semantic references) can call it.
Semantic References (available only in FREDI version 5.0.2005.403 and after )
Framework EDI reads the Semantic References of data segments and data elements in a SEF File to determine if a conditional value, or existence of a
data segment or data element in an EDI file is valid. An example of a semantic reference is - if data element(3) equals "FI" then
data element(4) use value reference TAXIDFORMAT.
Another example of a semantic reference is - if data element(3) value in SVC segment is greater than 0, then data segment AMT must be used.
Triggers in SEF files (under PRIVATE EDIdEv) identify the schema for each instance of data segments and loops, thus enabling Framework EDI to validate
instances (identified by their qualifier) of a data segment or a loop in an EDI file. For example, an EDI file can have a loop with two instances having
different requirements: one loop instance having the Payer information and having data segments N3 and N4 as mandatory;
while the second loop instance having the Payee information, but having data segments N3 and N4 as optional.
By using SEF files to obtain the EDI implementation guideline, Framework EDI can almost have no limit to what it can validate in an EDI file. Basically, if a rule can be specified in the SEF file, then Framework EDI will enforce the same rule in an EDI file. SEF files are text files, which can be edited with any text editor, or with our SEF Manager utility. For more details about editing a SEF file with the SEF Manager, please read Creating an Implementation Guideline.
Below is a sample Visual Basic program that demonstrates how the Framework EDI component uses a SEF file to validate an EDI file.
[View and run similar VB.NET source code]
Dim oEdiDoc As Fredi.ediDocument
Dim oWarnings As Fredi.ediWarnings
Dim oWarning As Fredi.ediWarning
Dim nWarningCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Set oEdiDoc = New Fredi.ediDocument
'Load SEF file
oEdiDoc.ImportSchema sPath & "837_X098.SEF", Schema_Standard_Exchange_Format
'Load EDI file
oEdiDoc.LoadEdi sPath & "837OUTPUT.X12"
'Check if FREDI detected any errors
Set oWarnings = oEdiDoc.GetWarnings
nWarningCount = oWarnings.Count
'If error count is greater than 0 then errors were found
If nWarningCount > 0 Then
'Display errors in a List box
For i = 1 To oWarnings.Count
Set oWarning = oWarnings.Warning(i)
List1.AddItem oWarning.Code & " " & oWarning.Description
'No errors found
End If
Set oEdiDoc = Nothing
MsgBox "Done"
Validating EDI files in Excel
Click here to evaluate the Framework EDI
Related Topics
- SEF Manager
- SEF Reader
- Sample SEF files
- The eAnalyzer
- The eFileManager
- Functional Acknowledgment Sample